What motivates you?
I am motivated by courageous behaviour and kind people.
It is very easy to breeze through the things we know we are good at, achieve high results and ultimately receive accolades and validation from others.
However, trying something that we find difficult, challenging and out of our comfort zone is something that motivates me and I respect with admiration.
Mayber, courage is the place where we discover our true potential and self growth....
How do you like to relax?
I often feel distracted by life's excitements, bombardments and curve balls thrown at me.
Therefore, I feel most relaxed and grounded when I take the time on my weekend to prepare and structure my upcoming week.
This often consists of the preparation of meals for the week, chores & cleaning of the house, pre packing everything for the week ahead and organising my calendar so I am ready to tackle the tasks ahead of time. This takes place in an almost slow and meditative approach.
Consequently, I am able to 'let go' during the coming week and get distracted as often as I need because everything has been organised already.
(*Did you guess I am a Virgo?)
Favourite movie?
'Interstellar', 'Her', 'Arrival' & Hercules.
Favourite drink?
Black coffee :)